St. Andrew the Apostle Church
3500 School Lane
Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Faith Formation
Opportunities to Grow in Faith

Catholic Witness

The Mass Explained

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Eucharistic Adoration
The Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed every Tuesday at 7am following the 6:30am Mass and is reposed following the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction at 7pm. Click HERE to schedule your holy hour. Sept-June
Nocturnal Adoration
The Nocturnal Adoration Society provides a fervent response to Christ's invitation to keep a prayer vigil with Him. Members deepen the experience of communion with Christ as He continues His self-offering and saving influence. Participation is open to all Catholic men and women who are eager to enrich their prayer and Christian life by means of the Eucharist. One hour a month is the small sacrifice required. Prayer sessions are held on the Thursday before the 1st Friday of each month from 7:30-8:30pm in the Church.
Contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169.
Miraculous Medal Novena
The Novena is recited every Wednesday following the 6:30am Mass
The Pre-Jordan program assists Parents and Godparents toward a fuller understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism and provides information for the Baptism of your child. Attendance is required for all parents and is encouraged for Godparents before a child is baptized. Classes are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 9am. Please contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169 for information and registration. Classes are coordinated by
Deacon Tom Verna.
Pre-Cana is a marital preparation program for engaged couples. Please contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169 for information on fulfilling this obligation prior to your ceremony or visit the Archdiocese offering by clicking HERE
The Rosary is prayed at 6:15am before the 6:30am weekday Mass Monday - Friday and at 7:30am before the 8am Mass on Saturdays.
The Parish Rosary Group gathers to pray Wednesdays at 10am in Church. Prayers for our country, our priests, our family and for an end to abortion are offered. Please contact Marguerite Cechvala at 484-680-1608 for info.
Pilgrim Virgin Statue
The Pilgrim Virgin travels throughout the parish from September until June each year with the purpose of encouraging and strengthening devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Peace. Each household keeps Her in the home for one week, then transports Her to the next home on Sunday. This devotion brings Our Lady's Presence into your home and peace into your heart.
To reserve your week, please contact Brian Murray at
410-279-5609 or
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of instruction, prayer and faith sharing in a group that leads a participant into full communion with the Catholic Church. We gather together for bi-weekly instruction from October until April so that the Catechumen (unbaptized) or Candidate (baptized) may be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil if unbaptized or during the Easter Season if baptized. Participants include any unbaptized adult; people of another faith or church; any individual who has been baptized but not confirmed; any adult who has not received his/her first Holy Communion; anyone interested in expanding his/her knowledge of the Catholic faith. Contact Nicky Verna, Director of the New Evangelization at 610-259-1169 or nverna@standrewdh. for more information and to register.