3500 School Lane
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
610-259-1169 info@standrewdh.org
Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the spirit, and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in Her mission: "Baptism is the Sacrament of regeneration through water in the Word." CCC 1213
Parents must register for the Pre-Jordan Class before having their child baptized. Please call the Parish Office at 610-259-1169 to schedule.
All necessary forms and guidelines for Godparents will be given at the Pre-Jordan Class
Pre-Jordan is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 9am
The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the 2nd & 4th Sundays at 1:30pm in Church or by appointment.
Godparent Requirements
To qualify as a sponsor, a person must attest to the fact that they qualify to be a Godparent by meeting the following criteria:
Be at least 16 years of age
Have received First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Attend weekly Mass
Receive the Eucharist and Reconciliation (Confession) often
Live in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic faith
Godparents must obtain a Letter (Certificate) of Eligibility from their parish priest
Occasionally, a person presents him/herself seeking a Letter and leaves upset because he/she was told that they did not meet the necessary requirements. This, at times, becomes a point of consternation and a cause of anger toward the Church, and even at the priest. The role of Godparent/Sponsor is more than merely ceremonial and certainly more than the above requirements. It is a call to PERSONAL INTEGRITY! The first question, therefore, is not whether or not the Church will allow me to be a Godparent/Sponsor, but whether or not I can allow MYSELF to be one. In other words, each one of us must ask ourself if my own personal integrity allows me to stand at the Altar and make a public profession that the Faith I speak in word is also the faith I practice.
Do understand that the role of Godparent/Sponsor does not demand that any one of us be perfect or even a canonized saint; all of us must place ourselves within the mercy of God. It happens that people who have stopped attending Holy Mass or rarely receive the Sacraments suddenly find themselves asked to be a Godparent/Sponsor. In that situation, the person has three options: 1) it can be received as a genuinely grace-filled moment of conversion that assuming the responsibility for another person's faith, I am ready to renew my own faith and recommit myself to its practice; 2) it can make me realize that I am not quite ready to assume responsibility for another person's faith, when I have failed to be accountable for my own Baptismal promises, in which case I would have to honestly turn down the request; or God forbid, 3) it can be a moment in which I do not take seriously the Sacrament, the responsibility or the gravity of my promise and violate my integrity by agreeing to do something I was never willing to practice.
Respect for the right of persons to make their own personal choices even when they go against what the Church teaches and are not going to change the decision, is often expected from the Church. However, that same respect must be shown toward the Church without the expectation that the Church is going to change Her teaching. God bless you in your discernment.
Why do we Baptize?
The purpose of the Pre-Jordan program is to assist parents in celebrating the Baptism of their child and to give them insight into the child’s spiritual care and training. We encourage the Godparents to attend this session as well.
Parents may make final arrangements and confirm a date for Baptism by delivering all completed documents (including Godparents' Letters of Eligibility) to the Rectory office.
Arrangements may also be made for a visiting priest or deacon to baptize a child at times convenient to the family and when the Church is available.