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Image by Thaï Ch. Hamelin / ChokdiDesign


Along with Baptism and the Eucharist, Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation.  The reception of this Sacrament is necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace.  By the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.  They are true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.  CCC #1285

Our parish celebrates the liturgy of Confirmation each spring.


In the years prior to being confirmed, our 7th grade school students and our CCD students prepare for this significant moment in their faith lives through regular attendance in religious education classes along with weekly Mass participation.


In the fall of 7th grade, students announce their candidacy for Confirmation and begin a formal period of preparation. 

Private School or Home Schooled Students in the 7th grade should contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169 for important information and to be registered for the Sacrament.  Although private school students receive Confirmation instructions at the school they attend, they will be confirmed in the parish. These students are encouraged to participate in the Rites of Candidacy and Election, the parish Confirmation Retreat, practice days and any other related sessions.

High School Students:  Any student in 8th-12th grade who wishes to be confirmed should contact the Parish Office for direction.


Adults:  Any adult who has not been confirmed and desires to receive this Sacrament, please contact the Parish Offices at 610-259-1169.

Confirmation Sponsors: 

To qualify as a sponsor, a person must:

  •       Be at least 16 years of age

  •       Have made his/her Confirmation

  •       Attend weekly Mass

  •       Receive the Eucharist and Reconciliation (Confession) often

  •       Live in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic faith

Since the role of the Confirmation sponsor is to provide witness and support to the candidate, the Church recommends that a Baptismal Godparent be the Confirmation sponsor. However, other sponsors (except parents) meeting the above qualifications are permissible. 

Sponsors must obtain a Letter of Eligibility from their parish priest attesting to the fact that they are qualified to be a Confirmation sponsor.

St. Andrew the Apostle Church

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We are a vibrant Catholic Community with the desire to build up the Body of Christ through worship, community and the formation of intentional disciples of Jesus.

3500 School Lane

Drexel Hill  PA   19026

Call the Parish Office at 610-259-1169


610-259-5145 School

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2024 - St. Andrew the Apostle, Drexel Hill

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