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"Fides et Scientia" Lecture Series:  "The Plague of Pornography"
"Fides et Scientia" Lecture Series:  "The Plague of Pornography"

Thu, Feb 23


Msgr. McGettigan Hall

"Fides et Scientia" Lecture Series: "The Plague of Pornography"

How to begin those difficult conversations about pornography... speaker Jim O'Day will break down the "Plague of Pornography" in today's society.

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Time & Location

Feb 23, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Msgr. McGettigan Hall, 3500 School Ln, Drexel Hill, PA 19026, USA

About The Event

Thursday, February 23, 2023 @ 7:00 pm

Event:  "The Plague of Pornography - A Conversation Starter for Families"

Speaker:  Jim O'Day, Integrity Restored - Jim brings a wide range of experiences serving in senior capacities in consumer products, defense, homeland security and not-for-profit industries.  Jim is also a certified life coach, mentor and sex & pornography addiction recovery coach, committed Catholic, husband, father and grandfather.  Jim feels that all of his experiences in life... the good, the bad  and the ugly have been used by God to place him here in his work at Integrity Restored and counts that as a true blessing.  Join us as we explore the plague that pornography has caused in our homes, our families, our Church and our world as Jim exposes the truth of what pornography truly is, does and causes.  Learn how to start those difficult conversations with those you love, including your spouse, children, co-workers and anyone who has been affected by this plague.  Appropriate for children ages 12 and up.

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